Sivil Toplum ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları: Türkiye’de Bilgi Hizmetlerine Yönelik Oluşturulmuş STK’lar ve Bu Kuruluşlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma

Sivil toplumun ve sivil toplum anlayisinin temelini olusturan Sivil Toplum Kuruluslari, ozellikle 20. yuzyilin son ceyreginde dunyada yasanan siyasal, sosyal, teknolojik ve ekonomik degisimlerin sonucunda yerel, ulusal ve uluslararasi olcekte gelisim gostererek, kalkinmada ve toplumsal duzenin saglanmasinda onemli aktorler konumuna ulasmislardir. Gunumuzde bircok alanda yer alan STK vardir. Bu calismanin amaci, Turkiye’de bilgi hizmetlerine yonelik olusturulmus STK’larin yaptiklari calismalarin neler oldugunu, ayrica mesleki haklarin savunulmasi konusunda neler yaptiklarini ortaya koymaktir. Calismada betimleme yontemi kullanilmistir. Veri toplamak icin ise anket tekniginden yararlanilmistir. Ankete verilen yanitlarin sonucunda STK’larin bilgi hizmetlerine ve mesleki haklara yonelik onemli calismalar yaptiklari sonucuna ulasilmistir. Ayrica STK’larin siyasal yonetim karsisinda cogunlukla pasif ve yeterince etkin olmadiklari; temel sorunlarinin butce ve burokratik engel oldugu belirlenmistir. Bu dogrultuda STK’larin misyonlarini yerine getirebilmeleri ve daha etkili olabilmeleri icin onerilerde bulunulmustur. Non-Governmental Organizations, which form the basis of civil society and civil society understanding, have become important actors in development and maintaining social order and have developed at local, national and international scale, as a result of the political, social, technological and economic changes taking place in the world especially in the last quarter of the 20th century. NGOs exist in many fields today. This study is intended to reveal the works of NGOs created for information services in Turkey and what they have done in the defense of professional rights. The descriptive method was used in the study. Survey technique was used to collect data. As a result of the responses to the survey, it was concluded that NGOs have performed important studies on information services and professional rights. Besides, it was determined that NGOs are generally passive-and not effective enough-against political administration; and their basic problems are the budget and bureaucratic obstacles. In this direction, proposals have been made so that NGOs can fulfill their missions and become more effective.
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