Ideal mating sex ratio in duck houses for optimum production of fertile eggs

An experiment was conducted in the experimental duck farm of Regional Centre, Central Avian Research Institute to study the ideal mating sex ratio in duck for production of fertile eggs under intensive method of rearing. Khaki Campbell laying ducks (540 nos) reared in three groups with three replicates in each with standard dietary regimen and management practice. Adult drakes were introduced to each group at a proportion of 1:4, 1:5 and 1:6 ratio. Eggs collected from each flock were store for 8 days in egg cooling room and were incubated for hatching of ducklings. Fertility test through candling of eggs on day 15th for every hatch were done. A total of seven hatches were taken. Data on egg production, fertility percent, hability (TES and FES) percent were recorded. It was observed that egg production was significantly increased in 1:6 sex mating ratio where as fertility and hatchability percent significantly increased in 1:4 and 1:5 sex mating ratio group. Therefore, it mat may be concluded that 1:5 sex mating ratio in Khaki Campbell ducks may be adopted for better fertility and hatchability per cent.
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