Classification - the ubiquitous challenge : proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Dortmund, March 9-11, 2004

(Semi-) Plenary Presentations.- Classification and Data Mining in Musicology.- Bayesian Mixed Membership Models for Soft Clustering and Classification.- Predicting Protein Secondary Structure with Markov Models.- Milestones in the History of Data Visualization: A Case Study in Statistical Historiography.- Quantitative Text Typology: The Impact of Word Length.- Cluster Ensembles.- Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Three-way Component Methods.- Organising the Knowledge Space for Software Components.- Multimedia Pattern Recognition in Soccer Video Using Time Intervals.- Quantitative Assessment of the Responsibility for the Disease Load in a Population.- Classification and Data Analysis.- Bootstrapping Latent Class Models.- Dimensionality of Random Subspaces.- Two-stage Classification with Automatic Feature Selection for an Industrial Application.- Bagging, Boosting and Ordinal Classification.- A Method for Visual Cluster Validation.- Empirical Comparison of Boosting Algorithms.- Iterative Majorization Approach to the Distance-based Discriminant Analysis.- An Extension of the CHAID Tree-based Segmentation Algorithm to Multiple Dependent Variables.- Expectation of Random Sets and the 'Mean Values' of Interval Data.- Experimental Design for Variable Selection in Data Bases.- KMC/EDAM: A New Approach for the Visualization of K-Means Clustering Results.- Clustering of Variables with Missing Data: Application to Preference Studies.- Binary On-line Classification Based on Temporally Integrated Information.- Different Subspace Classification.- Density Estimation and Visualization for Data Containing Clusters of Unknown Structure.- Hierarchical Mixture Models for Nested Data Structures.- Iterative Proportional Scaling Based on a Robust Start Estimator.- Exploring Multivariate Data Structures with Local Principal Curves.- A Three-way Multidimensional Scaling Approach to the Analysis of Judgments About Persons.- Discovering Temporal Knowledge in Multivariate Time Series.- A New Framework for Multidimensional Data Analysis.- External Analysis of Two-mode Three-way Asymmetric Multidimensional Scaling.- The Relevance Vector Machine Under Covariate Measurement Error.- Applications.- A Contribution to the History of Seriation in Archaeology.- Model-based Cluster Analysis of Roman Bricks and Tiles from Worms and Rheinzabern.- Astronomical Object Classification and Parameter Estimation with the Gaia Galactic Survey Satellite.- Design of Astronomical Filter Systems for Stellar Classification Using Evolutionary Algorithms.- Analyzing Microarray Data with the Generative Topographic Mapping Approach.- Test for a Change Point in Bernoulli Trials with Dependence.- Data Mining in Protein Binding Cavities.- Classification of In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra.- Modifying Microarray Analysis Methods for Categorical Data - SAM and PAM for SNPs.- Improving the Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in cDNA Microarray Experiments.- PhyNav: A Novel Approach to Reconstruct Large Phylogenies.- NewsRec, a Personal Recommendation System for News Websites.- Clustering of Large Document Sets with Restricted Random Walks on Usage Histories.- Fuzzy Two-mode Clustering vs. Collaborative Filtering.- Web Mining and Online Visibility.- Analysis of Recommender System Usage by Multidimensional Scaling.- On a Combination of Convex Risk Minimization Methods.- Credit Scoring Using Global and Local Statistical Models.- Informative Patterns for Credit Scoring: Support Vector Machines Preselect Data Subsets for Linear Discriminant Analysis.- Application of Support Vector Machines in a Life Assurance Environment.- Continuous Market Risk Budgeting in Financial Institutions.- Smooth Correlation Estimation with Application to Portfolio Credit Risk.- How Many Lexical-semantic Relations are Necessary?.- Automated Detection of Morphemes Using Distributional Measurements.- Classification of Author and/or Genre? The Impact of Word Length.- Some Historical Remarks on Library Classification - a Short Introduction to the Science of Library Classification.- Automatic Validation of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis with Application in Dialectometry.- Discovering the Senses of an Ambiguous Word by Clustering its Local Contexts.- Document Management and the Development of Information Spaces.- Stochastic Ranking and the Volatility "Croissant": A Sensitivity Analysis of Economic Rankings.- Importance Assessment of Correlated Predictors in Business Cycles Classification.- Economic Freedom in the 25-Member European Union: Insights Using Classification Tools.- Intercultural Consumer Classifications in E-Commerce.- Reservation Price Estimation by Adaptive Conjoint Analysis.- Estimating Reservation Prices for Product Bundles Based on Paired Comparison Data.- Classification of Perceived Musical Intervals.- In Search of Variables Distinguishing Low and High Achievers in Music Sight Reading Task.- Automatic Feature Extraction from Large Time Series.- Identification of Musical Instruments by Means of the Hough-Transformation.- Support Vector Machines for Bass and Snare Drum Recognition.- Register Classification by Timbre.- Classification of Processes by the Lyapunov Exponent.- Desirability to Characterize Process Capability.- Application and Use of Multivariate Control Charts in a BTA Deep Hole Drilling Process.- Determination of Relevant Frequencies and Modeling Varying Amplitudes of Harmonic Processes.- Contest: Social Milieus in Dortmund.- to the Contest "Social Milieus in Dortmund".- Application of a Genetic Algorithm to Variable Selection in Fuzzy Clustering.- Annealed ?-Means Clustering and Decision Trees.- Correspondence Clustering of Dortmund City Districts.
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