The evaluation of the “Triple Jump” Method applied to students of Medical School

The present article aims to report an experience of tutors in performing a triple jump by evaluating the methodology of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in a group of 37 students of the second period of a medical school of the Universidade Federal do Vale do Sao Francisco - UNIVASF, campus Paulo Afonso, Bahia, Brazil.The "triple jump" occurred in a daylight period, and was divided into three tutorial groups of nine students, a group of ten students and eight tutors. The problem situation was prepared by the tutors involved and all students were previously informed about the methodology applied. The assessment was divided into three stages (1-presentation of the problem; 2- individualized study; 3- Oral Presentation). In the end of the triple jump , it was  applied an evaluative questionnaire and the 27 students had consented previously to fill them out. The students who participated in this application were able to quickly identify the learning objectives (94.6%). However, a small part of the participants (about 5%) suggested modifications on the time used to complete all the steps of the “Triple Jump”.The reported experience consolidate this evaluative tool has formative character and effective way in the measuring the teaching-learning process of students in health care in PBL methodby improving their educational background. Keywords : Higher education, Problem-Based Learning, Evaluation. References : BHUTIANI, M.  et al. Triple-jump assessment model for use of evidence-based medicine. MedEdPORTAL Publications., v. 12, n. ID: 10373, 2016. BLAKE, J. M.  et al. Introducing progress testing in McMaster University's problem-based medical curriculum: psychometric properties and effect on learning. Acad Med, v. 71, n. 9, p. 1002-7, Sep 1996. BRASIL. Ministerio da Educacao. Conselho Nacional de Educacao. Câmara de Educacao Superior. Resolucao no 3, de 20 de junho de 2014 .  . Brasilia (DF): Ministerio da Educacao; 2014. Institui Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduacao em Medicina e da outras providencias. Disponivel em: peer instruction”. Janus : Lorena, v. ano 6, n. 15, p. 75-87, 2012. POWLES, A. C.  et al. The "triple-jump" exercise - further studies of an evaluative technique. Annu Conf Res Med Educ, v. 20, p. 74-9, 1981. RANGACHARI, P. K. The TRIPSE: A process-oriented evaluation for problem-based learning courses in basic sciences. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, v. 30, n. 1, p. 57-60, 2002. SANTOS, C. P.; SOARES, S. R. Aprendizagem e relacao professor-aluno na universidade: duas faces da mesma moeda. Sao Paulo: Est. Aval. Educ., v. 22, n. 49, p. 353-370, maio/ago 2011. SHIGUNOV NETO, A.; MACIEL, L. S. B. O ensino jesuitico no periodo colonial brasileiro: algumas discussoes. Educar em Revista , p. 169-189, 2008. SMITH, R. M. The triple-jump examination as an assessment tool in the problem-based medical curriculum at the University of Hawaii. Acad Med , v. 68, n. 5, p. 366-72, May 1993. SORDI, M. R. L. Problematizando o papel da avaliacao da aprendizagem nas metodologias inovadoras na area da saude. Revista de Educacao PUC-Campinas , v. 9, p. 52-61, 2000. TRONCON, L. Utilizacao de pacientes simulados no ensino e na avaliacao de habilidades clinicas. Medicina Ribeirao Preto , v. 40, n. 2, p. 180-191, 2007. WATANABE, L. M. Manual de avaliacao : curso de Medicina . Brasilia: Fundacao de Ensino e Pesquisa em Ciencias da Saude, 2002. 86p. XAVIER, L. N.  et al. Analisando as metodologias ativas na formacao dos profissionais de saude: uma revisao integrativa. SANARE , v. 13, n. 1, p. 76-83, 2014.
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