Summary and Conclusions a continuous homogeneous absorber is a technical breakthrough in the technology f muon beam cooling. The extension of this idea to a HCC with z-dependent magnet strengths eam ters, emonstration of 6D cooling in an HCC on a timescale comparable to that of ICE, so that the HCC performance can then be determined in a collaborative effort with MICE h llaboration to ensure that compatibility etween these two applications of the MICE beam line and spectrometers is maintained. Since is to Fermilab’s advantage to design and build a HCC and carry out the experiment as soon as References The HCC with orepresents another technical breakthrough. The experimental verification of 6D muon bcooling is an essential step in the progress of accelerator science. If a 6DMANX cooling section can be designed that is compatible with the MICE spectromesynthesizing the MICE and 6DMANX experiments will be an extraordinary win-win opportunity. The MICE collaboration is making good progress towards a complete demonstration of transverse ionization cooling by about the year 2010. Our goal is to build the necessary equipment for a dMusing the MICE muon beamline and spectrometers. The 6D cooling measurements made witthe HCC will thus extend and complement the transverse cooling that will already have been demonstrated. In such a synergistic scenario, each collaboration will benefit from the added energy of the other. We intend to work with the MICE cobthe expected cooling factor from the prototype HCC is large, a test at Fermilab with simpler apparatus may also be practical; we intend to simulate such a test to learn what the likely constraints will be. Itpossible. A plan for muon colliders using ILC accelerating structures that would fit on the Fermilab site, first as a Higgs factory and then as an energy frontier muon collider, is an attractive way for Fermilab and its high energy physics community to have a long and healthyfuture. [1N w.muonsinc.com/ rts/LinacFras pdf ] M. Popovic and R. P. Johnson, Muon Acceleration in a Superconducting Proton Linac, ufact05, http://ww repo cati. [2 J. acLachlan ceedings of LINAC 2002, Gyeongju, Korea ] R. P. Johnson and Y. Derbenev, Technical Challenges of Muon Colliders, NuFact05 ttp://www.muonsinc.com/reports/NUFACT05-Johnson.pdf] G. W. Foster and A. M , Pro[3h [4] Y. Derbenev and R. P. Johnson (Phys. Rev. Special Topics Accel. and Beams 8, 041002 (2005)) http://www.muonsinc.com/reports/PRSTAB-HCCtheory.pdf [5] K. Yonehara, et al., PAC05 http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/p05/PAPERS/TPPP052.PDF [6] P. Hanlet et al., EPAC06 preprint, attached as Appendix II.
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