OZET Amac: Bu arastirma bir cerrahi kliniginde yatan hastalarin agri tedavisinden memnuniyet duzeyini belirlemek amaciyla yapildi. Yontem: Arastirma Eylul 2012 - Ocak 2013 tarihleri arasinda Kocaeli Universitesi Arastirma ve Uygulama Hastanesi genel cerrahi kliniginde yurutuldu. Abdominal cerrahi girisim gecirmis, cerrahi sonrasi ikinci gunde olan ve arastirmaya katilmayi kabul eden 150 hasta arastirmaya dahil edildi. Hastalara uygulanan a naljezik miktari ve turu kaydedildi. Hastalarin agri ve memnuniyet duzeylerini olcmek icin Sayisal Degerlendirme Olcegi kullanildi. Veriler yuz yuze gorusme yontemiyle toplandi. Bulgular: Hastalarin cerrahi agri tedavisinden memnuniyet duzeylerinin bireysel ozellikler ve cerrahi turune gore farklilik gostermedigi fakat cerrahi agrinin hasta memnuniyetini etkiledigi, cerrahi agri siddeti arttikca memnuniyet duzeyinin azaldigi bulundu. Sonuclarimiz hastalarin % 22.7’sinin agrisinin olmadigini, % 29.3’unun hafif, % 38.7’sinin rahatsiz edici, % 9.3’unun siddetli, cok siddetli veya dayanilmaz agrisi oldugunu gostermekteydi. Agrisi olmayan hastalarin memnuniyet duzeyi ortalamasinin (9.76), agrisi olan hastalarin memnuniyet duzeyi ortalamasindan (7.30) yuksek oldugu bulundu. Memnuniyet duzeyi ortalamasinin ise 7 .86±2.18 (0 - 10) oldugu goruldu Sonuc: Agri varligi ve siddeti hasta memnuniyetini etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle hasta memnuniyetini artirmak icin icin agri yonetiminin yeterli olmasi gerekmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Postoperatif agri; hasta memnuniyeti ABSTRACT Determining the Satisfaction Level of Patients After Postsurgical Pain Treatment Objectives: This was a descriptive study conducted in a surgery clinic to determine patientssatisfaction level of analgesia. Methods: Our research was conducted between 01.09.2012-01.01.2013 in general surgery clinic of Kocaeli University Research and Training Hospital. Patients who undergone abdominal surgical operation and at post operative day two were included the study. One hundred and fifty patients accepted to participate. The amount and type of analgesic administered to the patient were recorded. Quantitative evaluation scale was used to determine patients’ pain and satisfaction level. Researcher interviewed w ith each patient alone and data was recorded to research paper. Results: Patientssatisfaction level of surgical pain treatment does not related to personal demographics or type of surgery but we found that surgical pain level is associated with patientssatisfaction level; while the more surgical pain the less patient satisfaction occur. Patient satisfaction level become less when surgical pain level is more. Our results indicate that %22.7 of patients had no pain, %29.3 had mild pain, %38.7 had irritating pain, %9.3 had severe, very severe or unbearable pain. The average satisfaction level of patients without pain (9.76) found to be higher than the average satisfaction level of patients with pain (7.30). We found the average level of satisfaction is 7.86 ± 2.18 (0 -10). Conclusion: Presence and severity of pain affects patient satisfaction. Therefore, pain management must be sufficient to increase patient satisfaction. Key words: Postoperative pain; patient satisfaction
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