Bu arastirma; liselerde egitim goren ve spor yapan ogrencilerin spora katilim motivasyonlarini belirlemek; cinsiyet, yas, yaptiklari spor branslari ve spora baslama surelerine gore spora katilim gudulerinin farklilasip farklilasmadigini incelemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini, 2006–2007 egitim-ogretim yilinda, Osmaniye ilinde ders disi okullar arasi spor faaliyetlerine katilan 1156 kiz ve erkek sporcu ogrenci olusturmustur. Arastirmanin orneklemi ise farkli branslarda okullarini temsil eden ve musabakalara katilmis 270 sporcu ogrenciden olusmustur. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak, arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen kisisel bilgi formu ve Gill, ve ark. (1983)’un gelistirdigi ve Oyar ve ark. (2001) tarafindan Turk populasyonuna uyarlamasi yapilan Spora Katilim Gudusu olcegi (Participation Motivation Questionnaire) (PMQ) kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizinde, t testi ve Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (Anova) kullanilmis, anlamlilik duzeyi 0.05 olarak alinmistir. Arastirma sonucunda spor yapan lise ogrencilerinin spora katilim motivasyonlari dissal gudulerden cok “takim uyeligi/ruhu”, “beceri gelisimi” ve “hareket/aktif olma” olarak bulunmustur. Spora katilim nedenlerinde cinsiyet farkliliginda kiz ve erkek sporcular arasinda “eglence” ve “hareket/aktif olma” alt boyutlarinda kiz sporcularin lehine bir fark oldugu belirlenmistir. Spora katilim nedenlerinde yas farkliliginda “takim uyeligi/ruhu” “eglence”, “basari/statu” ve “hareket/aktif olma” alt boyutlarinda anlamli duzeyde farklilasma bulunmustur. Voleybol, futbol, basketbol ve diger branslarla ilgilenen sporcularin spora katilim motivasyonlari “yarisma” ve “arkadas” alt boyutlari duzeyinde farklilastigi tespit edilmistir. Spora baslama suresine gore sporcularin spora katilim motivasyonlari “takim uyeligi/ruhu” ve “arkadas” alt boyutlarinda farklilastigi bulunmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Spora Katilim motivasyonu, Lise Ogrencileri, Spor, cinsiyet, yas DETERMINATION OF FACTORS AFFECTING SPORTS PARTICIPATION MOTIVATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WHO MAKE SPORTS ABSTRACT This study was carried on in order to determine the sports participation motivation of high school students who make sports and to observe the difference in their sports participation motivation according to gender, age, sports branch and beginning to sports time. The universe of the study was constituted of 1156 boys and girls in Osmaniye who participated to sports activities in 2006-2007 educational years. The sample of this study is 270 students who were the representatives of their schools in sports activities. The data collecting instruments are personal information form which was developed by the researcher and Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ) which was developed by Gill et al. (1983) and which was adapted to Turkey by Oyar et al (2001). t test and ANOVA were used in analyzing the data and the significance level was taken as 0.05. Sports participation motivation of students was found as “team membership/spirit”, “skill development” and “movement/being active” rather than exterior motives. There is a significant difference in “fun” and “movement/being active” sub dimensions between boys and girls in the favour of girls. There is significant difference in “team membership/spirit”, “fun”, “success/status” and “movement/being active” sub dimensions in the reasons of sports participation. The motivations of the athletes who are interested in volleyball, football, basketball and other branches differentiated in the “competition” and “friend” sub dimensions. The sport participation motivation of athletes differentiated in “team membership/spirit” and “friend” sub dimensions according to beginning of sports time. Key Words: Sports participation motive, high school student, sports, gender, age.
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