A pós-graduação stricto sensu em Ciências da Saúde: um processo em construção

Introduction: This article describes the Health Sciences’s stricto sensu postgraduate programs trajectory and reflects on the challenges of health research. Objective: to describe the process of ESCS’s institutional capacity development as a training institution for health professionals in the stricto sensu postgraduate modality adequate to the Brazilian Health Unified System (SUS) needs. Method: Document analysis and data extraction from the Sucupira data base. Results: From 2008 to 2020 partnerships were developed with other graduate programs until the first own program creation in 2012. Since then, 204 graduates were trained, 98% are professionals working in the SUS-DF. The professional and academic master's degrees themselves at ESCS have singularities arising from the teaching-service integration, which enhance the knowledge production applicable to the SUS-DF. Conclusion: all initiatives are consistent with an intersectoral dialogue between education and health, as recommended by the legal and infra-legal SUS frameworks.
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