Liquid — Liquid extraction of silver(I) by diphenyl-2-pyridylmethane in benzene from aqueous mineral acid — Thiocyanate solutions

Liquidliquid extraction of Ag(I) by diphenyl-2-pyridylmethane (DPPM) in benzene from aqueous nitric and sulfuric acid solutions containing thiocyanate ions has been studied at ambient temperature (24±2 °C). The metal is extracted quantitatively from 0.01M HNO3+0.02M KSCN; or 0.25M H2SO4+0.02M KSCN by 0.1M DPPM (optimum extraction conditions). Slope analysis indicates that two types of ion-pair complexes i.e. [(DPPMH)+·Ag(SCN) 2 − ] and [(DPPMH) 2 + ·Ag(SCN) 3 2− ] are involved in the extraction process. Separation factors determined at optimum conditions reveal the separation of Ag(I) from Cs(I), Br(I), Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Fe(III), Au(III) (from HNO3 solution only), Cr(III), Hf(IV), Ta(V), Sn(IV) and Cr(VI). With the exception of thiosulfate, other complexing anions like ascorbate, acetate, citrate, oxalate do not hinder the extraction of Ag(I) under optimum conditions.
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