Prognostic significance of CA 125 and TPS levels after chemotherapy in ovarian cancer patients.

The analysis of survival data of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer proved that both CA 125 and TPS were good markers for clinical outcome prediction. Patients receiving chemotherapy were analyzed for 2-year overall survival (OS). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed highly significant differences in OS between patients with stage I+II (survival for 2 years 68%) and stage III+IV (survival for 2 years 33%; p=0.0008). CA 125 levels above or below 35 kU/I and TPS levels above or below 80 U/l after 3 chemotherapy courses were not significantly correlated with OS in stage I+II patients (p=0.06 respectively 0.07). However, in the subgroup of patients with stage III+IV the cut-off levels of CA 125 and TPS were excellent discriminators of OS: With CA 125 levels below the cut-off 52% of the patients survived, while with CA 125 levels above the cut-off only 13% survived (p<0.0001). With TPS levels below the cut-off 49% of the patients survived, while with levels above the cut-off only 19% of the patients survived (p<0.0001). In the subset of patients with CA 125 levels less than 35 kU/I after 3 chemotherapy courses (n =50) analysis of their TPS levels allowed further discrimination of the prognostic significance. With TPS levels below the cut-off 63% of the patients survived, while 35% of the patients survived with TPS levels above the cut-off The sum value of CA 125 and TPS cut-off values (115) as discriminator correlated even better with survival rate: With levels below this sum value 63% of the patients survived, while this was only 17% with sum values above the summed cut-off level (p=0.0004). The extent to which the tumor was removed at operation also correlated with the 2 years survival rate. None of the patients with a staging laparotomy (n=10) showed a 2-years survival. The difference in OS between patients with complete debulking and partial debulking was significant: OS 51% versus 23% (p=0.027). Prognosis was not significantly correlated with histological type.
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