El análisis estructural de la música tradicional andina colombiana como herramienta para el estudio profesional

Traditional Colombian music represents a significant part of the repertoire of instrumentalists and its study is a constant element in music curricula throughout the country. Precisely, it is in the practice where difficulties posed by this music arise for students, since there is no bibliographic material that supports the form analysis of traditional Colombian music. This work aims to provide music students and, in general, musicologists, historians, folklorists, among others, with tools that facilitate the structural analysis of musical works belonging to the traditional Colombian Andean genres. Through the compilation and later analysis of the characteristic and specific musical literature corresponding to these genres, it seeks to concentrate and classify the knowledge around structural analysis. From this compilation and analysis there will emerge the guide The forms and analysis of traditional Colombian Andean music , with an appendix of musical scores. It will help to disseminate and apply this knowledge in the educational practice and, thus, to make a contribution to the national musicology, based on the specific study of traditional Colombian music under the aspect of the analysis of musical forms.
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