Nephroblastoma in bester sturgeon, a cultured hybrid of Huso huso × Acipenser ruthenus: Diagnostic imaging, clinical and histopathological study

: Abdominal distention occurred at an incidence of 1% (15 from 1500 fish) in the population of 1-year-old bester (Huso huso × Acipenser ruthenus). Computed tomography (CT) images and radiographs showed a soft tissue mass compressed the posterior part of the swim bladder. Ultrasonography showed that the masses had different patterns. Internal examination revealed the abdominal cavities to be filled with large masses which appeared to encompass most of the visceral organs, including the swim bladder. The masses originated from the posterior kidney. Histologically, the masses were composed of mixtures of embryonal epithelial (tubules and glomeruli), blastema and mesenchymal tissues. The tubules showed cystic, papillary and tubular patterns. Tubules and glomeruloid structures were surrounded by proliferating blastema cells. The primitive mesenchyme was composed of loose streams and whorls of spindle to stellate cells with elongate nuclei. Histological findings in the skeletal muscles, hypoderm and spleen confirmed the metastatic tumour from the kidney in two cases. Immunohistochemically, neoplastic cells of the tubules and glomeruloid structures were positive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3. Sections stained with Masson's trichrome showed blue staining of the stroma. The histopathologic findings were consistent with nephroblastoma.
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