Stable multivariate W-Eulerian polynomials

Abstract We prove a multivariate strengthening of Brentiʼs result that every root of the Eulerian polynomial of type B is real. Our proof combines a refinement of the descent statistic for signed permutations with the notion of real stability—a generalization of real-rootedness to polynomials in multiple variables. The key is that our refined multivariate Eulerian polynomials satisfy a recurrence given by a stability-preserving linear operator. Our results extend naturally to colored permutations, and we also give stable generalizations of recent real-rootedness results due to Dilks, Petersen, and Stembridge on affine Eulerian polynomials of types A and C . Finally, although we are not able to settle Brentiʼs real-rootedness conjecture for Eulerian polynomials of type D , nor prove a companion conjecture of Dilks, Petersen, and Stembridge for affine Eulerian polynomials of types B and D , we indicate some methods of attack and pose some related open problems.
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