Model of the electrical engineering system of the processing of biological objects of vegetable origin

The models of the complex system of research of processes of electromagnetic treatment of seed which use the method of synthesis of hybrid and collective models for prognostication of indexes of development of plants are grounded in the article. Realization of researches on this method gave possibility of receipt of the optimum modes of treatment of seed of glass-cultures which provide the increase of productivity and decline of power expenses. The urgency of solving this problem is connected not only with the effective use of existing methods of tillage, plants, harvesting and effective methods of preparing seeds for sowing, but also in the development of energy-efficient electro technical methods for treating seeds and plants. Theoretical and experimental studies carried out in this direction by domestic and foreign scientists and their scientific schools have identified a wide range of tasks in defining various methods of seed treatment and their application in modern agricultural production. Guided by a systematic approach, a functional diagram of a system for studying energy technology processes of low-energy electromagnetic processes of microwave seed treatment is developed, consists of three main subsystems. The developed system is designed to solve emerging problems in electrical engineering research to find adequate methodological: mathematical and information tools for determining effective technological modes of microwave processing of seeds.  Examination of the model showed that a significant impact on the performance indicators of pre-sowing seed treatment is made by electro-technological and technological parameters of further cultivation of plants, taking into account the time factors of specific environmental conditions. Based on the study of the structural scheme of the system, parametric models are developed using the theory of active experiment planning. Using mathematical modeling schemes and mathematical software algorithms of the research system, taking into account external factors affecting plants, to obtain a statistical simulation model of the spatial dynamics of plant development, which has reduced the relative error in predicting performance indicators. A system has been developed for solving emerging problems in electrical engineering research to find adequate methodological: mathematical and information tools for determining effective technological modes of microwave treatment of seeds, taking into account specific environmental factors. Comprehensive studies, used mathematical modeling, allowed to minimize the costs of organizing experimental work and identify effective pre-sowing regimes seed treatment, increase the yield of greenhouse crops by 20 - 30% and reduce the energy intensity of the process for individual crops 300 times. Keywords : еnergy costs, biological object, simulation, processing methods, algorithm
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