[Bilateral metastases of renal cell carcinoma to the ovaries--a case report].

Renal cell carcinoma accounts for 75% of renal neoplasms. Clear cell carcinoma is diagnosed in about 80% of the cases. Renal cell carcinoma most frequently metastasizes to the lungs (50-60%), lymph nodes (36%), bones (30-40%), liver (30-40%), and brain (5%). In other organs the metastasis changes are observed very rarely. Ovarian metastases are found in 0.5% of renal cancers. So far, only 23 cases of renal cell carcinoma metastases to the ovary have been reported in the literature. In 18 cases they were metastases of renal cell carcinoma of the clear cell type. The authors present a case of a 50-year-old woman with double-sided metastatic changes to the ovary from renal cell carcinoma. The patient was admitted to the Gynecological ward with preliminary diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Gynecological examination revealed double-sided ovarian tumors, 6-7cm in diameter. Computed tomography also showed a 155x80 mm hetrogenous, multiform tumor localized above the uterus. In addition, CT showed a 75x55mm tumor in the lower pole, and a smaller one, 15mm in diameter, in the upper pole of the right kidney. Laboratory tests were normal. The antigen Ca 125 was 25 j/ml. Mammography, cytology, gastroscopy, colonoscopy were normal. The consulting urologist proposed a two-stage treatment. In the first stage, the removal of the double-sided ovarian tumors was proposed, while in the second stage the right nephrectomy was suggested. Double-sided ovarian tumors were found and removed (in the wall of the cyst- yellow, solid masses) during the first operation. Intraoperative histological examination showed changes with unknown grade of malignancy in both ovaries (number of studies QN 291). The patient underwent total hysterectomy. On day 5 postoperatively the woman was discharged from the hospital in good condition with the recommendation to pick up the histological test result in two weeks time. The final histological examination showed metastatic changes of renal cell carcinoma of the clear cell type (number of studies QN569-582, QN 585-608 ). The diagnosis of bilateral renal cell carcinoma metastases to the ovaries was confirmed by immunohistochemical studies using antibodies CD 10 and Vimentin (number of studies CT 1558-1559). The patient was directed to the Urological Ward. The surgery confirmed the presence of the tumor in the lower pole (about 8 cm in size), and a smaller one (about 1 cm in size) in the upper pole of the right kidney. The right nephrectomy was performed. Histological examination confirmed the primary clear cell renal cel carcinoma. The patient was directed to the next oncological treatment.
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