Experimental reconstitution of chronic ER stress in the liver reveals feedback suppression of BiP mRNA expression.

Toxic chemicals, extreme temperatures and other abnormal environmental conditions can cause the cells in our bodies to become stressed. Several kinds of stresses overwhelm a compartment in the cell called the endoplasmic reticulum, which is critical for processing new proteins so that they can work correctly. Endoplasmic reticulum stress has been linked to long-term diseases such as diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Most of what is known about how cells sense and respond to endoplasmic reticulum stress comes from studies on isolated cells that were subjected to harsh conditions that cells cannot tolerate for longer than a day or two. By contrast, little is known about how cells within whole organisms respond to milder but longer-lasting endoplasmic reticulum stress, which is closer to what occurs during disease. To investigate this issue, Gomez and Rutkowski treated mice repeatedly with a chemical that causes mild endoplasmic reticulum stress in the liver. The cells exposed to this persistent stress responded differently to those exposed to severe short-term stress. Whereas short-term stress causes liver cells to turn on genes that help the endoplasmic reticulum to process proteins more efficiently, long-term stress causes cells to turn off some of those genes. Further investigation revealed that cells in the livers of obese mice show similar patterns of gene activity as cells exposed to long-term endoplasmic reticulum stress. The findings presented by Gomez and Rutkowski could therefore also help us to understand more about the liver problems that often occur during obesity and diabetes. Further studies are now needed to examine exactly how long-lasting stress can shut off the cells’ protective mechanisms. Future experiments could also investigate whether other types of cells and organs respond to long-term endoplasmic reticulum stress in the same way as cells in the liver.
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