Ciprofloxacin-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome: First report from Bangladesh

Abstract Stevens-Johnson syndrome, otherwise known as erythema multiforme majus, was first described in 1922 by Stevens and Johnson as a febrile illness with stomatitis, purulent conjunctivitis, and skin lesions. Case report: We report a 28-year-old married woman who presented with fever and was advised ciprofloxacin tablet. After taking two doses of the tablet, she developed papulo-vesicular rash involving the trunk and the upper and lower limbs, including mucous membranes. She also developed a painful red eye. She eventually developed jaundice and her case was ultimately diagnosed as ciprofloxacin-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Discussion: Medications appear to be the most common cause of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. It commonly affects multiple organs. Treatment for Stevens-Johnson syndrome is as diverse as the symptoms and it should be begun by withdrawing any offending agent identified. Conclusion: Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a potentially fatal multiorgan disease. This aspect of the condition is bes...
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