New Approaches to the Management of Hepatitis and Endocrine Disorders in Cooley's Anemia

: Hepatitis C infection is common in patients receiving life-long blood transfusion therapy. Interferon-α induces long-term viral clearance in 25-30% of patients suffering from Cooley's anemia. Ribavirin, an orally active guanoside analogue together with interferon-α produces a sustained response in up to 40% of patients with cirrhosis, who had previously failed single agent treatment. Growth retardation in iron-overloaded patients is the result of growth hormone deficiency in up to 30% of patients. Height gain can be sucessfully achieved in these patients with growth hormone treatment. Pregnancy in women with Cooley's anemia is now a reality, and over 100 pregnancies have been documented. Conception may be spontaneous or the result of ovulation induction. Cardiomyopathy and diabetes require careful assessment in these patients before a decision is made to treat with gonadotrophins to induce ovulation.
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