Polymerizable compositions based on siloxane compounds capable of hardening

The invention relates to novel cyclic siloxane compounds of general formula (I), wherein n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, preferably 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and A = H or C1-C15-alk(en)yl, C3-C15-cycloalk(en)yl, C6-C12-aryl, C8-C18-alkaryl and one or more C-atoms in each of the above radicals can be replaced by O, C=O, O(C=O); SiR2 and/or NR, R being an aliphatic radical with 1 to 7 C-atoms in which one or more C-atoms can be replaced by O, C=O and/or O(C=O); B = E or a linear, branched or polycyclic hydrocarbon radical containing aliphatic or aromatic groups, which bonds together 2 to 10 of the cyclosiloxane radicals defined above excluding B, and which contains 2 to 50 C-atoms and additionally, 0 to 30 other atoms from the following group: O, N, S, P, Si, Cl, F, Br, I and to which 1 to 9, preferably 1 to 4 of the cyclosiloxane radicals defined above, excluding B are attached accordingly; E = A or a polymerisable group G-Q-L, up to 50 % or less on average of the groups E corresponding to representatives of A; G = C1-C10-alk(en)ylene; Q = O, N-A or a di- or multiple radical linear, branched or cyclic alcohol, amine or aminoalcohol radical with 2 to 10 C-atoms; L = an organic radical containing a C=C double bond with 2 to 10 C-atoms; and on the condition that no anellated siloxane ring systems can appear in (I). The invention also relates to dental materials containing the compounds of formula (I) and/or compounds of formula (II), wherein T = independently of each other, H or C1-C10-alk(en)yl, C3-C10-cycloalk(en)yl, C6-C12-aryl or C8-C18-alkaryl; N = a polymerisable group R -R -R ; b = 0 to 500 and the proportion of b can account for at most 50 % of the repeat units (b+c); c = 1 to 1000; R = C1-C10-alk(en)ylene; R = O, N-T or a di- or multiple radical linear, branched or cyclic alcohol, amine or aminoalcohol radical with 2 to 10 C-atoms; R = an organic radical with 3 to 10 C-atoms, containing a C=C double bond and V = SiMe2T, SiEt2T, SiMePhT, SiPh2T.
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