Determination of background concentrations of tropospheric ozone in natural and anthropogenically changed conditions using the phase portraits approach

Н основе анализа суточной и месячной динамики получены фоновые значения, которые могут впоследствии использоваться для управления качеством атмосферы в рамках квотирования выбросов. Полученные оценки верифицировались с использованием официальных методических указаний. Показано, что методики дают близки значения фоновых концентрация для более длительных периодов наблюдений. Tropospheric ozone is one of the most active and toxic pollutants in the atmosphere. The dynamics of its concentrations is determined not only by the characteristics of emissions of precursor substances, but also by the complex of meteorological conditions. Atmospheric quality control requires the regulation of emissions based on the consideration of background concentrations and acceptable hygiene standards. The proposed article presents approaches to the estimation of background concentrations using the analysis of phase portraits based on continuous observations of the concentrations of ozone, its precursor substances, as well as a number of meteorological parameters. The dynamic phase portraits for the conditions of Moscow (Southern Administrative District) and the background territory (Krasnye polyany) are analyzed. Based on the analysis of daily and monthly dynamics, background values are obtained, which can later be used to control the quality of the atmosphere within the framework of emission quotas arrangement. The obtained estimates were verified using official methodological guidelines. It is shown that the methods give similar values of background concentrations for longer periods of observations (month and more).
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