중국 정부의 ‘和諧’(조화) 정책에 대한 수사학적 분석

The harmony society supports the improvement of all the people’s condition in China by radically solving many kinds of imbalance based on the idea of 以民爲本(Yi min wei ben)people are the basis of a nation). Not surprisingly, the Chinese people may have hoped for a better environment through the political slogan by the Hu Jintao Government. But contrary to their expectations, the government suppressed press and tightened the Internet censorship, which raised an anti-government sentiment. In return, the people used the negative slang ‘被和諧’(bei hexie, passive harmony or disharmony) as an expression of their protest at the policy, which represents the ridicule on the Chinese phenomenon deviant from the original intention of a harmonious society. So Xi Jinping, the fifth-generation leader drastically reduced usage count of the slogan(harmony or harmony society) in all sorts of political official papers and the press. The Xi Jinping Government didn’t give up the harmony society, but the government judged more appearance of the slogan would increase the anti-government sentiment. The government has tried to solve more fundamental problems of the angry people and conducted anti-corruption movement in their government, which has showed a successful result until now. It is required that the people should watch the effort of the Xi Jinping Government who tries to restore the original intention of the harmony policy which has been deviated from the beginning.
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