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Low Back Pain And Sexuality

Sexual dysfunction in the patient with chronic low back pain is a frequently misunders¬tood and neglected aspect of this disease classification. Clinical experience and a review of the literature defines three causative factors: primary organic pathology interrupting nor¬mal nervous system function; side effects of medication prescribed for the condition, and psychological factors relating to anxiety over performance and fear of pain during sexual activity. The purpose of this article is to discuss the factors regarding sexual dysfunction in patients with chronic back pain. Kronik bel agrili hastalarde sexuel disfonksiyon onemli bir problemdir. Klinik tecrubelerimiz ve literaturden edindigimiz bilgilere gore bunun 3 temel sebebi vardir. Nor¬mal sinir sistemi fonksiyonunu engelleyen primer organik patoloji; agriyi gidermek icin kullanilan ilaclarin yan etkileri ve kronik agridan kaynaklanan psikolojik faktorler. Bu yazida bel agrili hastada sexuel disfonksiyona yol acan faktorler ve bunlara karsi alinabilecek onlemler literatur isiginda gozden gecirilmistir.
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