Intracranial cotton ball gossypiboma mimicking recurrent meningioma: Report of a case with literature review for intentional and unintentional foreign body granulomas

Gossypiboma, or textiloma, is an unusual complication followng invasive surgical procedures. From the latin gossypium, the enus of cotton plant types, and boma, a Kiswahili word meaning place of concealment”, the term is used to describe the inflamatory response that occurs in response to the introduction of foreign body in tissue. As the name suggests, the objects are sually cotton balls or surgical gauze either inadvertently or delibrately left behind during surgery as in the case of muslin wrapping f aneurysms [1]. Inflammatory responses around these cotton alls develop leading to foreign body granulomas (FBG) that can e detected on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerzed topography (CT) as enhancing masses [2–4]. The timeline of linical presentation also varies greatly, ranging from immediately ostoperative to decades after surgery [1–4]. Compared to general surgery, textilomas have been reported ar less frequently in neurosurgical literature. A Medline search f gossypiboma or textiloma reveals 27 reports and about 50 ases associated with intracranial foreign body granulomas since 973 [1–5]. Rarely, seizures have been shown to be caused by
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