Weekly cetuximab and paclitaxel combination in metastatic/recurrent squamous cell cancer carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN): Clinical experience of a single institution

e17043 Background: Results of a recent phase III randomized study with cetuximab and platin-5FU chemotherapy support its use in recurrent/metastatic SCCHN. However, many patients (pts) are not able to be treated with platin combinations. Paclitaxel (P) and cetuximab (C) have shown an encouraging activity in a similar patients subset. We review the data of the patients treated with this schedule in our centre. Methods: From our database, we conducted a retrospective study of 20 patients with recurrent SCCHN who did not meet criteria for platin therapy and were treated with weekly P (80 mg/m2) and C (initially 400 mg/m2 followed by 250 mg/m2) until progression or intolerable toxicity. We have collected data regarding previous treatments, response rate (RR), progression free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and toxicity. Results: From January 2007 to November 2008, 20 patients were included (18 male, 2 female) with a median age of 63 (50–81). Oral cavity (35%) and oropharynx (25%) were the most frequent...
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