Evidence base for a housing warrant of fitness

Substandard housing is a major public health issue in New Zealand. Approximately, two-thirds of the housing stock is uninsulated and many homes are inadequately heated, with an average indoor temperature of 14.5°C. Cold, damp, and mouldy housing results in poor health; each year, respiratory hospital admissions are 74% higher during winter, and excess winter mortality is 20% higher than other seasons. The relationship between injury and housing conditions is also well established. Each year, 500,000 New Zealanders suffer falls requiring medical treatment in their homes. As a step towards improving the quality of existing housing, an evidence-based warrant of fitness has been developed. This article outlines the evidence base to each criterion in the warrant of fitness. We conclude that introducing and properly enforcing a housing warrant of fitness will ensure that basic minimum standards are met, which could mitigate the disease burdens and injuries associated with, or caused, by poorer quality housing. ...
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