Data Augmentation by Multilevel Reconstruction Using Attributed Scattering Center for SAR Target Recognition

The quality of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images and the completeness of the template database are two important factors in template-based SAR automatic target recognition. This letter gives a solution to the two factors by multilevel reconstruction of SAR targets using attributed scattering centers (ASCs). The ASCs of original SAR images are extracted to reconstruct the target’s image, which not only reduces the noise and background clutters but also keeps the electromagnetic characteristics of the target. Template database are reconstructed at multilevels to simulate various extents of ASC absence in the extended operation conditions. Therefore, the quality of SAR images as well as the completeness of the template database is augmented. Features are extracted from the augmented SAR images, and the classifier is trained by the augmented database for target recognition. Experimental results on the moving and stationary target acquisition and recognition data set demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
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