Narażenie uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi na hazard tradycyjny i internetowy oraz inne zachowania ryzykowne

The article focuses on the engagement of young people with special educational needs (SEN) in traditional and online gambling as well as other risk behaviours. Gambling can have serious destructive individual, social, and public health consequences, especially when we consider the involvement of young people who come from a vulnerable group (e.g. students with SEN). The article presents an overview of a research on the reported gambling experience (behaviour) and gambling consequences that was conducted with a new diagnostic tool (Lodz Adolescent Gambling Symptoms Questionnaire – LAGSQ). The data confirms that the involvement in gambling within the SEN sample ranged from 8% to 54% depending on the type of gambling behavior. The comparison of the results between the SEN sample and the students without SEN reveals statistically significant differences concerning the reported gambling experience and its consequences. Moreover, the students with SEN are more likely to report a higher level of bullying and cyberbullying victimization experience.
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