Concomitant Branching Enzyme and Phosphorylase Deficiencies. An Unusual Glycogenosis with Extensive Neuronal Polyglucosan Storage

A baby girl was born hypotonic and was respirator-dependent until death at 43 days of age. A muscle biopsy revealed PAS-positive, diastase-resistant sarcoplasmic inclusions with a vaguely fibrillar structure by electron microscopy. Biochemical studies at autopsy disclosed complete absence of branching enzyme in skeletal muscle and heart, and a deficiency of phosphorylase activity in skeletal muscle with a modest reduction in myocardium. Storage material was present in glia and perikarya of neurons, increasing in amount in the rostrocaudal direction, involving most severely the motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia and myenteric plexi. Inclusions were also present in most organs, especially liver and skeletal muscle. Ultrastructurally, the inclusions ranged from granular aggregates of membrane-bound material concentrated in the region of Golgi apparatus to large filamentous bodies similar to polyglucosan bodies. This baby differs from other patients with infantile glycogenosis IV by the severity and onset of symptoms at birth, involvement of neuronal perikarya and widespread extraneural deposits. The combined deficiencies of branching enzyme and phosphorylase may have accounted for the unique clinical and neuropathological findings.
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