Effects of Aminopyralid on Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa)

Abstract Invasive weed control within cleared, forested sites in the inland Northwest is complicated by the susceptibility of ponderosa pine to synthetic auxin herbicide injury, used to control broadleaf weeds. Herbicide injury may lead to decreased canopy volume and variable growth patterns of ponderosa pine, which is a commercially important tree species. Herbicide injury to ponderosa pine can be decreased with dormant-season applications, a timing suited to control many weeds that may occur within ponderosa pine sites. However, spring-timed herbicide applications are needed to control other weeds, such as meadow hawkweed, and that application timing coincides with active ponderosa pine growth. In this study, we determined the level of injury to ponderosa pine resulting from spring-timed aminopyralid, clopyralid, and picloram applications beneath ponderosa pine canopies. Herbicide injury to leader and lateral candles and needle elongation was evaluated 1 and 12 mo after treatment (MAT). Low rates of ami...
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