Arctic science, international law and climate change : legal aspects of marine science in the Arctic Ocean

G. Westerwelle: Climate Change, International Law and Arctic Research - Legal Aspects of Marine Research in the Arctic Ocean.- M. Damanaki: The Arctic: A Test Bench for International Dialogue.- J. Laajava: Arctic Science, International Law and Climate Change.- L.-O. Reiersen, S. Wilson: The Arctic - a Sentinel for Environmental Processes and Effects.- M. Gahler: More Relevant Research for the EU Artic Policy.- P. Lembe: Arctic Processes and the Global Climate.- K. Alverson: Developing and Sustaining an Arctic Ocean Observing.- I. Ashik: Recent Russian Marine Research Activities in the Arctic Ocean.- U. Nixdorf: Arctic Research in Practice.- L. Mayer: Arctic Marine Research: The Perspective of a US Practitioner.- B. Coakley: Environmental Permitting Constraints on Arctic Marine Scientific Research.- A.S. Studenetsky: Marine Scientific Research in Waters under the Jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.- K. Nakkalajarvi: Climate Change and Traditional Knowledge.- C. Marcussen: Extended Continental Shelf Issues in the Arctic Ocean: A Modern "Land Grab" or an Example of Cooperation between the Arctic Coastal States?- T.L. McDorman: Setting the State: The Continental Shelf and Marine Science in the Arctic Ocean.- P.A. Berkman: "Common Interests" as an Evolving Body of International Law: Applications to Arctic Ocean Stewardship.- M.W. Lodge: The International Seabed Authority and the Arctic.- A.G.O. Elferink: The Regime for Marine Scientific Research in the Arctic: Implications of the Absence of Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles.- B. Baker: Common Precepts of Marine Scientific Research Access in the Arctic.- V. Golitsyn: Climate Change, Marine Science and Delineation of the Continental Shelf.- J.-C. Gascard: From the DAMOCLES to ACCESS Projects (Sixth & Seventh EU Framework Programmes 2005-2015) IAOOS - An Advanced Artic Ocean Observing System (2011-2019).- H. Eicken: Internationally Coordinated, Cooperative Arctic Marine Science during the Fourth International Polar Year: Lessons for Future Arctic Ocean Science Agreements.- U. Hanson: Inuit, Circumpolar Law & Politics, Resource Development.- S. Wasum-Rainer: Conclusions of the Chair.
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