High-Q ultrasonic determination of the critical nanoaggregate concentration of asphaltenes and the critical micelle concentration of standard surfactants.

Asphaltenes are known to be interfacially active in many circumstances such as at toluene−water interfaces. Furthermore, the term micelle has been used to describe the primary aggregation of asphaltenes in good solvents such as toluene. Nevertheless, there has been significant uncertainty regarding the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of asphaltenes and even whether the micelle concept is appropriate for asphaltenes. To avoid semantic debates we introduce the terminology critical nanoaggregate concentration (CNAC) for asphaltenes. In this report, we investigate asphaltenes and standard surfactants using high-Q, ultrasonic spectroscopy in both aqueous and organic solvents. As expected, standard surfactants are shown to exhibit a sharp break in sonic velocity versus concentration at known CMCs. To prove our methods, we measured known surfactants with CMCs in the range from 0.010 g/L to 2.3 g/L in agreement with the literature. Using density determinations, we obtain micelle compressibilities consistent ...
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