Examination of Interactions of Hexafluoro-2-propanol with Trp-Cage in Hexafluoro-2-propanol-Water by MD Simulations and Intermolecular Nuclear Overhauser Effects.

All-atom molecular dynamic simulations of the peptide Trp-cage in 30% hexafluoro-2-propanol- water (V/V) at 278 K have been carried out with the goal of exploring peptide hydrogen-solvent fluorine nuclear spin cross relaxation. Force field parameters for HFIP reported by Fioroni et al. along with the fluorine parameters of the TFE5 model reported by this lab were used. Water was represented by the TIP5P-Ew model. Peptide modeling used the AMBER99SB-ILDN force field. Translational diffusion coefficients of solution components at 278 K were predicted to within 35% of experimental values using these parameter sets. The simulations indicate that the solvent mixture is not homogeneous, with HFIP molecules clustered into aggregates as large as 53 fluoroalcohol molecules. The solvent environment of surface atoms of Trp-cage fluctuates between being HFIP-rich and more water-rich about every 10 ns. In accord with previous studies by other groups, the average concentration of HFIP near the surface of the peptide is significantly enhanced over the concentration of HFIP in the bulk solvent. In the simulations, ∼7% of the initial contacts between HFIP molecules and Trp-cage develop into peptide-fluoroalcohol interactions that persist for times as long as 8 ns. Most of the available experimental nuclear spin cross-relaxation rates (ΣHF) for hydrogens of the Trp-cage in 30% HFIP-water are reproduced from the MD trajectories to within uncertainties of the experimental data and the simulations. However, a few calculated ΣHF values for hydrogens of the Trp-cage do not agree with experiment. These tend to be situations where long-lived peptide-HFIP interactions are predicted. The disagreements between observed and calculated ΣHF in these instances signal defects in the modeling parameters and procedures that are presently unrecognized.
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