Formcoke Associates proposal review. Phase 1: Pilot plant review. R and D interim report No. 1. [Proprietary]

This interim report reviews the large Experimental Coke Pellet Pilot Plant (ECPPP) located at the Sparrows Point, Maryland plant of Bethlehem Steel Corporation. This plant is designed to produce 500 tons per day of metallurgical grade coke from agglomerating coals through the use of a novel continuous coking process. The design of the facility was based mainly upon earlier work carried out in a nominal 30-ton per day pilot plant at Conoco Coal Development Company's research laboratory at Library, Pennsylvania. This is a proprietary process developed and funded by Formcoke Associates (the Associates), a group composed of Bethlehem Steel Corporation; Republic Steel Corporation; National Steel Corporation; and Conoco Coal Development Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Continental Oil Company. Bethlehem Steel is the operator of the ECPPP.
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