Redness discordance in monochorionic twin placentas: Correlation with clinical and placental findings

Abstract Introduction/Objectives Recent studies suggest redness (color) discordance of the placental basal plate may be a marker for twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (TAPS), a recently described complication of diamniotic-monochorionic twinning characterized by marked intertwin hemoglobin (Hb) discordance in the absence of oligohydramnios-polyhydramnios. In this study, we determined the clinicoplacental and choriovascular correlates of basal plate color discordance in monochorionic twin placentas, and assessed its value as postnatal indicator of TAPS. Methods We performed a clinicoplacental analysis of 100 consecutive non-TTTS diamniotic-monochorionic twin placentas with available photographic documentation of the basal plate. Basal plate redness was quantified by computer-assisted analysis of digital images and expressed as intertwin color difference ratio (CDR). Results The CDR ranged between 1.00 and 3.58 (median CDR: 1.14; 90 th %ile: 1.98). Compared to twins with low CDR (N = 90), twins with high CDR (≥2.0; N = 10) had significantly higher hemoglobin difference (11.25 g/dL versus 2.55 g/dL) and significantly fewer and smaller artery-to-artery (AA) and artery-to-vein (AV) anastomoses. Apgar scores and birth weights were equivalent in both groups. Among the 10 twin sets with high CDR, six (60%) qualified as TAPS, as defined by intertwin Hb difference >8 g/dL and absent or very small AA and AV anastomoses. Conversely, 6 of 8 (75%) twin sets with TAPS had a CDR ≥ 2.0. CONCLUSION Intertwin CDR correlates with intertwin hemoglobin difference and chorionic angioarchitecture. A CDR value ≥ 2.0 (the 90%ile value for CDR derived from the present cohort) has high specificity (96%), but relatively low positive predictive value (60%) as indicator of TAPS, as currently defined.
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