Depresión en mujeres adultas mayores y su afrontamiento

espanolLa depresion constituye uno de los problemas mas frecuentes en las personas mayores y es ocasionado por multiples factores sociales y culturales. El objetivo de esta investigacion es determinar el nivel de depresion en mujeres mayores, para lo cual se aplico la Escala de Depresion Abreviada de Yesavage, que detecta el grado de depresion. La investigacion es descriptiva con un enfoque cualitativo, y se realizo en dos colonias de la Ciudad de Campeche: El Carmelo y La Ermita, mediante la aplicacion de encuestas a 40 adultas mayores en cada colonia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que 32 mujeres de la colonia La Ermita padecen depresion, mientras que en la colonia El Carmelo solo fueron 7, y el restante no presento depresion. La moda en la colonia La Ermita es de 65 anos y en El Carmelo de 67 y 70 anos, mientras que la media en la colonia La Ermita es de 71.5 anos y en El Carmelo de 70 anos. Se concluye que en la colonia La Ermita hubo mayor prevalencia de depresion en la poblacion femenina adulta mayor que en la colonia El Carmelo. Se sugiere que para cuidar su salud, dichas personas adultas mayores realicen actividades recreativas en clubes dentro de su comunidad o con sus familiares. EnglishDepression is one of the most frequent problems in the Elderly due to multiple social and cultural factors, From the age of 60 begins a new period for the life of the person to give life to the Elder, will suffer crisis, will have more time to meet with himself and perceive his reality. Depression in the stages of woman's life. Conflicts with the couple, parents and children, family violence, addictions, loss of loved ones and abuse are some of the causes that favor depression. Objective: To determine depression in the female gender of the Elderly. Instrument. The scale of Depression of Yesavage was applied, this scale detects the degree of depression, the research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, it was carried out in two colonies of the City of Campeche: Carmelo and Ermita, surveying 40 elderly adults in each colony. Result: In the colony, the Hermitage prevails the depression in 32 Persons and 7 people in the Carmel, the other Older Adults did not present depression. The fashion of the Ermita is 65 years old and the Carmelo was 67 and 70 years, the average of La Ermita is 71.5 years and El Carmelo is 70 years old. Conclusions: In the Ermita colony we detected a higher prevalence of depression in the female genus in the adult population than in the Carmelo colony. Recommendations: It is important to make activities for these Older Adults, in the club, community and with the same relatives.
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