Examinando los efectos motivacionales de una temporada de orientación deportiva en estudiantes de educación secundaria. (Examining the motivational effects of an orienteering season on secondary school students)

El principal proposito del estudio fue examinar el efecto de una temporada de orientacion basada en el modelo de Educacion Deportiva sobre la motivacion del alumnado de educacion secundaria. Se realizo un diseno pre-experimental con medidas pretest-postest, y se empleo una metodologia cuantitativa y cualitativa para profundizar en la percepcion discente y docente. Participaron 80 estudiantes (38 varones y 42 mujeres) de 3o curso de Educacion Secundaria, con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y 17 anos de edad ( M = 14.62; DT = .80) y su profesor. La temporada comprendio 12 sesiones de 55 minutos. A nivel cuantitativo se emplearon las medidas de orientaciones de meta (TEOSQ), clima motivacional (PeerMCYSQ) y regulaciones motivacionales (PLOC-2). A nivel cualitativo se analizaron tres entrevistas al profesor, antes, tras la quinta sesion y al finalizar la unidad. No hubo diferencias significativas en ninguna de las regulaciones motivacionales. Se encontro un descenso significativo en la orientacion a la meta tarea en la muestra total y los varones. Emergieron dos categorias: a) La orientacion deportiva como contenido central y su influencia en la motivacion del alumnado, y b) La orientacion deportiva y su abordaje a traves del modelo. La novedad, el dinamismo, la menor exigencia fisica, y el descenso de la carga teorica durante la unidad, junto con otros elementos del modelo (por ej., roles rotativos, implicacion en la configuracion de los grupos y fase competitiva) supusieron un efecto amortiguador de la caida motivacional. = The main purpose was to examine the effect of an orienteering Sport Education season on secondary school students´ motivation. A pre-experimental design was carried out with pretest-posttest measures, and a quantitative and qualitative methodology was used to know in deep the students and teacher perception. Participants were 80 students (38 men and 42 women) of the 3rd year of Secondary Education and their teacher. The age range was 14-17 years, with a mean age of 14.62 years ( SD = .80). The orienteering season lasted 12 sessions of 55 minutes. At a quantitative level, the measures of goal orientations (TEOSQ), motivational climate (PeerMCYSQ) and motivational regulations (PLOC-2) were used. At a qualitative level, three interviews with the teacher were analyzed before, after the fifth session as well as at the end of the unit. There were no significant differences in any of the motivational regulations. There was a significant decrease in the task achievement goal orientation in the total sample and males. Two resulting categories emerged: a) orienteering as a central content and its influence on student motivation, and b) orienteering and its approach to the model. The novelty, the dynamism, the lower physical demand, joined to several elements of the model (p.ej., rotating roles, involvement in the configuration of the groups and competitive phase) were a dampening effect of the decline in motivation.
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