Effect of gamma irradiation of the seeds on the accumulation of potato x- virus in some plants

Pre-seeding gamma irradiation of Solanum L., Datura L., and Gomphrena L. seeds with a dose of 1000 rad and intensity of 660 rad/min does not affect development of the plants, accumulation of potato X-virus in them, and anifestation of the disease symptoms. Irradiation of seeds with a dose of 4000 and especially of 16,000 rad evoked heavy radiation injuries in vegetating plants, favored rapid and great accumulation of the virus and a more pronounced manifestation of the disease symptoms. An increase in sensitivity of plants grown from seeds irradiated by gamma rays with doses of 4000 and 16,000 rad to viral infection, might be connected with disturbances in the metabolic processes and antiviral protective reactions. (auth)
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