Gambaran Tingkat Stres Lansia Penderita Hipertensi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kartasura

The increasing number of elderly people requires serious handling because naturally the elderly experience a decrease both in terms of physical, biological and mental. Entering the elderly phase makes the elderly vulnerable to various diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. Biological changes in elderly individuals can trigger the problem of psychosocial stress. The purpose of this study is to describe and find out how the stress level of elderly people with hypertension in the Kartasura Community Health Center. This research is a quantitative research, using simple descriptive. Samples were taken with a total of 96 respondents using Simple Random Sampling techniques in 9 elderly Posyandu Puskesmas Kartasura. The instrument of this study was to use the DASS 42 questionnaire using 14 question items. Results: The description of stress levels of elderly people with hypertension in the Kartasura Community Health Center area based on univariate analysis is for stress levels categorized as moderate stress with a frequency of 70 respondents (72.9%). Conclusion: after conducting research it can be concluded that the stress level of the elderly in Puskesmas Kartasura results in moderate stress.
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