Shedding some light on store atmospherics: influence of illumination on consumer behavior

Abstract The influence of display lighting, a component of store atmospherics, on consumer approach–avoidance behavior was studied. Supplemental lighting was temporarily installed and manipulated on merchandise displays in two retail stores to test for effects on consumer behaviors of Time at Display , Number of Items Touched and Number of Items Picked Up . Video cameras recorded the consumers' actions. Subjects consisted of an accidental sample of consumers in the stores who passed within the measurement zones of the cameras. A total of 2367 subjects were recorded; behaviors and demographics were coded by two raters. Data were analyzed using correlations, Analysis of Variance, and Bonferroni paired comparisons. Supplemental lighting treatments had a positive effect on consumer behavior, as qualified by display. Interactions between lighting and display were found to be statistically significant. Findings could be useful to retailers in developing in-store lighting as part of a store's atmospherics to aid in attracting and retaining consumer patronage.
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