Gastric adenocarcinoma masquerading endoscopically as benign gastric ulcer - A five-year experience

The pathologic features and five-year survival of patients in whom gastric cancer masquerades at endoscopy as a benign gastric ulcer has been poorly characterized. We reviewed retrospectively all cases of gastric adenocarcinoma in three hospitals for a five-year period. Of 266 patients with gastric adenocarcinoma, 169 (63.5%) had endoscopy with biopsy prior to diagnosis of cancer. In 159 of these 169 patients (94.1%), the endoscopic findings suggested cancer, while in the remaining 10 patients (5.9%) the endoscopic appearance suggested benign ulcer. In six of these 10 patients, the initial endoscopic biopsies did not reveal cancer and correct diagnosis was delayed for as long as 14 months. Three of the 10 patients had “early gastric cancer” by pathologic criteria at gastrectomy, although one had lymph node metastasis. The other seven patients had pathologic criteria for advanced gastric cancer, and three had lymph node metastasis. In spite of advanced cancer and/or lymph node metastasis in eight of our 10 patients, five-year survival in these patients with benign-appearing ulcers was 70%, as compared to 17% in patients whose gastric lesions appeared malignant at endoscopy.
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