Does overfeeding affect tench Tinca tinca (L.) juveniles

Duplicate groups of tench (Tinca tinca) juveniles (mean weight 0.69 g) were fed at 28 °C for 70 days either a commercial formulated diet, Futura, or frozen Chironomidae larvae at four levels: below satiation, at about satiation, above satiation and well above satiation. These are represented by the feeding groups F1–F4 and C1–C4, respectively. No mortality was observed throughout the experiment. In groups F2–F4 a considerable incidence of uneaten food (>40% observations), deformities of the caudal penduncle, retarded growth, elevated condition coefficient (>1.2), reduced amounts of minerals in the tissue ( 5) and high caloric value of the tissue (>28 J mg−1 dry matter) (the latter two suggesting excessive fat deposits), were found. The combination of these indices was indicative of overfeeding in fish fed the Futura diet at the daily doses ≥2.7% fish biomass. First symptoms of overfeeding: a considerable incidence of uneaten food, retarded growth, and elevated C/N ratio were observed in the group fed Chironomidae larvae at the highest level, (C4, wet Chironomidae 20.7% of the fish biomass daily, that is, 3.9% of dry chironomids per fish biomass and day). Thus, restricted daily doses of formulated diet not exceeding 2.5% fish biomass are recommended for tench juveniles aged 130–200 days post hatch. Safe daily doses of frozen Chironomidae (in terms of larvae dry weight) remain below 3.5% of fish biomass.
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