Mechanisms of olivine dissolution by rock-inhabiting fungi explored using magnesium stable isotopes

Abstract To unravel the dissolution mechanisms of olivine by a rock-inhabiting fungus we determined the stable isotope ratios of Mg on solutions released in a laboratory experiment. We found that in the presence of the fungus Knufia petricola the olivine dissolution rates were about seven-fold higher (1.04 × 10 −15  mol cm −2  s −1 ) than those in the abiotic experiments (1.43 × 10 −16  mol cm −2  s −1 ) conducted under the same experimental condition (pH 6, 25 °C, 94 days). Measured element concentrations and Mg isotope ratios in the supernatant solutions in both the biotic and the abiotic experiment followed a dissolution trend in the initial phase of the experiment, characterized by non-stoichiometric release of Mg and Si and preferential release of 24 Mg over 26 Mg. In a later phase, the data indicates stoichiometric release of Mg and Si, as well as isotopically congruent Mg release. We attribute the initial non-stoichiometric phase to the rapid replacement of Mg 2+ in the olivine with H + along with simultaneous polymerization of Si tetrahedra, resulting in high dissolution rates, and the stoichiometric phase to be influenced by the accumulation of a Si-rich amorphous layer that slowed olivine dissolution. We attribute the accelerated dissolution of olivine during the biotic experiment to physical attachment of K. petricola to the Si-rich amorphous layer of olivine which potentially results in its direct exposure to protons released by the fungal cells. These additional protons can diffuse through the Si-rich amorphous layer into the crystalline olivine. Our results also indicate the ability of K. petricola to dissolve Fe precipitates in the Si-rich amorphous layer either by protonation, or by Fe(III) chelation with siderophores. Such dissolution of Fe precipitates increases the porosity of the Si-rich amorphous layer and hence enhances olivine dissolution. The acceleration of mineral dissolution in the presence of a rock-dissolving fungus further suggests that its presence in surficial CO 2 sequestration plants may aid to accelerate CO 2 binding.
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