卵巣Clear Cell Carcinomaの腹水細胞所見

It has been ascertained that the mirror ball pattern normally observed with HAC-2 cells (an established cell line of ovarian clear cell carcinoma) growing in vitro can also be demonstrated in ascites from patients with this tumor. Mirror ball pattern is a spherical aggregate of cells arranged in a single layer encacing a PAS-and alcian blue-staining substance. These findings were represented by the cell block technique. This unique structure is observed as a cystic pattern in the tissue, forming presumably from attend epithelial components of tissue as the tumor tissue borders on ascites or the solid tissue borders on the cystic space.Microscopic reviews of the ascites specimens obtained during the last five years revealed mirror ball patterns not only in cases of ovarian clear cell carcinoma but in cases of other tumors as well. But, the findings indicate that clearcell carcinoma is highly probable in such cases diagnosed clinically as tumor of the ovary with microscopic evidence of numerous mirror ball patterns in ascites.
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