A novel noise-free jamming technique against LFM-PC search radar

Linear Frequency Modulation - Pulse Compression (LFM-PC) search radars have a high processing gain that improves their detection performance even at low values of Signal-to Noise Ratio (SNR). To deny the radar detection, the jammer should use high jamming power to overcome this high processing gain which increases the required Jamming-to-Signal Ratio (JSR) is, in most cases, extravagant and unachievable. This paper introduces a novel jamming technique designated as bandwidth shift jamming. The proposed jamming technique generates a replica of the intercepted radar signal but with a small shift in bandwidth. Jamming effectiveness of the proposed technique is evaluated on a typical modern search radar model with three different types of detectors: fixed threshold, Cell Average and Greatest Of Constant False Alarm Rate (CA-CFAR, GO-CFAR). Moreover, matched filter response to the proposed jamming signal is determined and the optimum parameters of the jamming signal are identified to maximize jamming effectiveness. The results show that the proposed jamming technique needs a JSR of −6 dB at least to be effective against LFM-PC search radar.
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