Exploring circumstellar effects on the lithium and calcium abundances in massive Galactic O-rich AGB stars

We previously explored the circumstellar effects on the Rb and Zr abundances in massive Galactic O-rich AGB stars. Here we are interested in the role of the extended atmosphere in the case of Li and Ca. Li is an important indicator of HBB while the total Ca in these stars could be affected by neutron captures. The Li abundances were previously studied with hydrostatic models, while the Ca abundances have been determined for the first time. We use a modified version of Turbospectrum and consider the presence of a gaseous circumstellar envelope and radial wind. The new Li abundances derived with the pseudo-dynamical models are very similar to those obtained from hydrostatic models (the average difference is 0.18 dex), with no difference for Ca. The Li and Ca content in these stars is only slightly affected by the presence of a circumstellar envelope. We also found that the Li I and Ca I line profiles are not very sensitive to variations of the model wind parameters. The new Li abundances confirm the Li-rich nature of the sample stars, supporting the activation of HBB in massive Galactic AGB stars. This is in good agreement with the theoretical predictions for solar metallicity AGB models from ATON, Monash, and NuGrid/MESA but is at odds with the FRUITY database, which predicts no HBB leading to the production of Li. Most sample stars display nearly solar Ca abundances that are consistent with the available s-process nucleosynthesis models for solar metallicity massive AGB stars, which predict overproduction of 46Ca relatively to the other Ca isotope and the creation of the radiactive isotope 41Ca but no change in the total Ca abundance. A minority of the stars seem to show a significant Ca depletion (by up to 1.0 dex). Possible explanations are offered to explain their apparent and unexpected Ca depletion.
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