The impact of CT in clinical management of pelvic and acetabular fractures.

Thirty-eight consecutive patients admitted to the hospital with pelvic and acetabular fractures underwent CT examination. The axial plane of CT is shown to be the most suitable for evaluation of these fractures. The fracture pattern is readily demonstrated, facilitating fracture classification. The degree of fracture fragment displacement and rotation, hip joint stability, and intra-articular osseous fragments can be determined. A number of unsuspected fractures were detected, including five sacral and four anterior acetabular wall fractures; the latter were due to extension of superior ramus fractures. Soft tissue injuries included several hematomas, serosanguinous cysts in one patient, and bladder laceration in one patient. It is concluded that in patients with pelvic fracture CT examination is the method of choice following preliminary radiographic evaluation, if further radiographic investigation is deemed necessary.
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