Views of University Administrators on Online Education During the Epidemic Period

The human resources unit in universities has planned training for academicians and directors. With the transition to distance education during the pandemic peri-od, face-to-face training has started to take place online. With this study, online training was planned for the administrators in the administrative department of universities. The opinions of the managers about online training are critical. Man-agers’ views were consulted on the effectiveness of online training. In this study, a qualitative research method was used to reach detailed results. The study group of the research con-sists of 18 administrators in the administrative department of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and Russian New University. The application was carried out in the ‘online manager development programme’ for 3 weeks in the 2020–2021 fall semester. In order to access the data of this study, the interview form developed by the researchers was used as a data collection tool. While preparing the interview questions developed by the re-searcher, the opinions of four experts in the field were taken and the questions were finalized. Con-tent analysis was used in the analysis of the data. The find-ings obtained as a result of the research are given in detail in the findings and re-sults section.
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