Phytochemical investigation of leaves and fruits extracts of Chamaerops humilis L.

The major aim of this work is the research of the b ioactif compounds isolated from the Chamaerops humilis L. From this perspective, phytochemical study was undertaken on this western Mediterranean plant. Phytochemical Screening based on tests of colourati on and precipitation were undertaken by three solve nts with different polarities such as water, ethanol an d diethylether. The tests carried out on leaves an d fruits show presence of tannins, flavonoids and saponins. However, less presence of steroids and essential oi ls was observed. The selective extraction of tannins allo wed us to obtain 0.351% and 0.098% yields for the l eaves and fruits respectively. Separation on column chrom atography conducted to a major fraction of tannins and a major compound from defatted pricarp fruits hexanic extract.
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