Learner variables as predictors of ESL proficiency

The fact that some individuals are more successful at acquiring English as an L2 than others has led to investigations of learner characteristics as predictors of ESL proficiency. This paper reports the results of an investigation of the relationship between three learner characteristics, namely Field IndeE.endence/Dependence (FI/D), Language Learning Strategies (LLSs) and Personality Typesjlraits (PT), and ESL proficiency. Pearson product-moment co"elations and canonical co"elations revealed significant relationships between FI/D, LLSs and ESL proficiency. A stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that LLSs accounted for approximately 45% of the total variance on the TO EFL test. Die feit dat sommige individue meer suksesvol is as ander in die aanleer van Engels as 'n tweede taal het gelei tot ondersoeke van leerderkenmerke as voorspellers van suksesvolle Engels tweedetaalvaardigheid. Hierdie artikel rapporteer die resultate van 'n ondersoek na die verwantskap tussen drie leerderkenmerke, naamlik veld onafhanklikheid/afhanklikheid (VO/A), taalleerstrategiee (TLS), persoonlikheidstipes/-trekke (PT) en Engels tweedetaalvaardigheid. Pearson produk-momentko"elasies en kanoniese ko"elasies het beduidende verwantskappe tussen VO/A, TLS en Engels tweedetaalvaardigheid aangetoon. 'n Stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie het aangetoon dat taalleerstrategiee verantwoordelik was vir ongeveer 45% van die totale variansie in die TO EFL toets.
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