Epidemiología del cáncer papilar de tiroides: Hospital Regional deAntofagasta y Valdivia: período 2005–2011

El Cancer de Tiroides constituye la neoplasia del sistema endocrino mas prevalente en el mundo (1 por ciento de canceres totales); el tipo morfologico mas comun corresponde al Carcinoma Papilar de Tiroides (CPT). Chile cuenta con pocas caracterizaciones epidemiologicas de esta patologia, generando un verdadero problema de salud publica al subvalorarla. OBJETIVO: Obtener una vision global del CPT y comparar datos epidemiologicos entre Hospital Regional de Antofagasta (HRA) y Hospital Regional de Valdivia (HRV). MATERIAL Y METODO: Se realizo un estudio de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo de fichas clinicas con diagnostico confirmado mediante biopsia de CPT, residentes en la II o XIV region de Chile, durante el periodo 2005-2011. Los datos recabados se tabularon segun sexo, edad y region respectiva mediante Excel 2011, calculando adicionalmente la tasa anual de CPT por region. Los datos y valores obtenidos fueron descritos y comparados entre ellos. RESULTADOS: El HRA presento 79 casos de CPT, con tasa anual promedio (TAP) de 2,03x100.000 hab.; 88,6 por ciento fueron mujeres y 11,4 por ciento hombres; 30,4 por ciento eran 45 anos. El HRV presento 88 casos, con TAP de 3,34x100.000 hab.; 84,1 por ciento fueron mujeres y 15,9 por ciento hombres; 52,3 por ciento eran ≤45 anos y 47,7 por ciento >45 anos. DISCUSION: Segun regiones la II presento menos TAP de CPT que la XIV, existiendo en la ultima una tendencia al alza y en la II a la disminucion, contrastando con la informacion conocida. Variaron los grupos etarios afectados, la II presento mayor cantidad de casos >45 anos, en cambio, en la XIV la mayoria fue Thyroid cancer is the more prevalent endocrine neoplasia in the world (1 percent of total cancers); the most common morphological type corresponds to Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (CPT). Chile has few epidemiologic characterization of this pathology, creating a real public health problem because the underestimating of it. OBJECTIVE: Get an overview of CPT and compare epidemiological data, between Antofagasta Regional Hospital (HRA) and Valdivia Regional Hospital (HRV).METHODS: We performed a retrospective descriptive study of medical records with biopsy-confirmed diagnosis of CPT, residents of the II or XIV region of Chile, during the period 2005-2011. The collected data was tabulated by sex, age and region concerned by Excel 2011, additionally calculating the annual rate of CPT by region. The data and values obtained were described and compared with each other. RESULTS: The HRA presented 79 cases of CPT, with average annual rate (TAP) of 2.03x100.000 pop., 88.6 percent were women and 11.4 percent men, 30.4 percent were ≤45 years and 69.6 percent percent>45 years. The HRV presented 88 cases, with TAP of3.34x100.000 pop., 84.1 percent were women and 15.9 percent men, 52.3 percent were 45 years. DISCUSSION: The second region had less TAP CPT compared to the XIV region. In the last one there is an increased incidence in general, while in region II tends to decrease, contrasting with the existing information. A variation in the affected age groups was found, the II Region had more cases >45 years, however, in XIV region the majority was
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